Monday, March 17, 2014


Rocks make up our earth, and they are found everywhere.

Igneous Rocks: formed by the cooling of lava.

Granite is a type of igneous rock. When I was a child, I accidentally thought that my birthstone was granite. not garnet. When we had rocks put down in our drive way I was excited that it was my birthstone, however I was confused that it was not red like my the stone in my birthstone ring. I later found out that I had confused the two stones. Granite is actually a stone make form feldspar, mica, and quartz. Granite can be a pinkish, or even a black and white color or multi-colored rocks. It has a speckled effect to it.

Sedimentary rocks are formed by participles that are deposited at the earths surface. Many of these sedimentary rocks are formed by other pieces of other rocks. Sedimentary rocks compose the crust of the earth, and you can find many natural resources such as coal and drinking water within sedimentary rocks. Below is an example of a sedimentary rock formation. The Delicate Arch found in Utah is composed of a sedimentary rock called sandstone.

I have had the opportunity to see for myself these beautiful sandstone arches found in the American Southwest and they are truly amazing and a wonder to see. These formations of rocks are one of my favorite due to the sheer mass and beauty that they hold in them.

The last type of rock is Metamorphic rock. Like its name suggest, metamorphic rocks are formed by the change of the original rock form. The original rock is heated extremely so that it physically and chemically changes. Marble is a type of metamorphic rock that is commonly used in sculpture and even in household structures. Marble's parent rock is limestone or dolostone.

Soil is also a hugh part of what makes up our earth. You can determine what type of soil is in a particular place by used in a soil triangle. There are 12 different types of soils found around the world. Soil is classified by its physical texture. 

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